Thursday, October 6, 2011

Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for proper digestive health

Proper digestion is crucial for our bodies to function properly. Improper digestion of food and fluids results in constipation and several other problems. Therefore, what we eat plays a very important role in improving our digestive health. It’s important to at least follow the basics of keeping your digestive system healthy if you’re the kind of person who faces difficulty indulging yourself in junk food. Remember, the healthier your digestive system is, the more resistance your body will be able to hold towards different types of diseases. 

Consuming fish, eggs and lean meat is helpful in improving your digestive system and if you’re a vegan, then you could opt for beets, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli and onions among many other vegetables. Try consuming fruits like apples, grapes, mangoes, bananas, kiwi, watermelons and canned fruits to keep your digestive system clean.

One of the best sources so far, however, is Omega 3 fatty acids as it strengthens the digestive system to a very large extent. These fatty acids also help in promoting normal growth in young children and animals and has been studied to treat clinical depression and anxiety. Besides, Omega 3 fish oil is very good for our diets as there are elements present that help level out and attain an optimal balance. 

It has been studies that the acids present in fatty acids balances the digestive system. Considering the fact that most people's diets contain high levels of omega 6 fatty acids which include processed vegetable oils and other ingredients used in most fast food items, consumption or intake of Omega 3 fatty acids is the perfect choice for a stronger and healthier digestive system. 

According to medical research and data provided by experts,the use of Omega 3 fish oil supplements helps in treating many illnesses directly associated to the digestive system. 

So at the end of the day, remember that you need to look after your digestive system. In fact, we should also be aware that approximately 80 percent of all food that we eat is unhealthy for us. So, with proper care, any form of ailments or illnesses related to an unhealthy digestive system can be avoided.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weight Loss Tips from Fish Oil Supplements for Women

Awareness on staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle has increased manifolds in today’s times. Extra consciousness towards shedding extra weight is amongst women. This is becoming a craze amongst women to become slim. But we have to understand the difference between becoming slim and staying fit. Care should be taken in shedding extra weight but retaining the body balance and energy. Weight loss supplements which include Fish oil helps in reducing body weight and also helps in maintaining the level of nutrition in the body.
Fish oil can be easily absorbed in the body by eating fish. For those who cannot eat fish, supplements are easily available in the market today. The fish oil or the supplements contains Omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are very essential for the human body because of a simple reason that our body cannot produce it naturally; hence we need to procure it from outside. Now the question is why these fatty acids are necessary for our body? These acids are necessary for the metabolic functioning of our body. 

In simple words, these acids are the energy building blocks for cells and provides energy to our heart, muscles and other organs of the body. 

The Omega 3 fatty acid contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) that helps in controlling the bad cholesterol in our body thereby helping in controlling weight in general. The fish oil supplements have a minimum dosage of at least 2 capsules a day. Depending on the requirement of one’s body, the dosage can be increased but only on the advice of a nutritionist. Over dosage can be harmful for the body. The intake of these fish oil supplements when coupled with regular exercise and healthy eating habits yield faster and better results for the weight loss. 

Fish oil supplements are not only helping women regain their body shape in a healthy way but is also very advantageous in other diseases like breast cancer, cervical cancer and treating pre and post menopause depression. Risk of sudden cardiac arrests and diseases induced by atherosclerosis are considerably reduced with the daily intake of fish oil supplements. 

Weight loss is not an overnight change. It’s a disciplined process of following all the steps correctly. Yes,the fish oil supplements are very helpful in losing extra weight from the body along with numerous other health benefits. But no pill alone can make you lose your weight all by itself. It can just help in reducing it. One has to put an effort to achieve healthy weight loss.

Omega 3 contribution in improving digestive health

For healthy functioning of the body, it is important to have a healthy digestive system. But our human body has certain limitations. There are essential fatty acids required to improve the digestive system of our body which unfortunately is not produced by the body itself, it has to be procured from external sources. As the name suggests, these fatty acids are essential and a need of our body which should not be ignored. After all, health is wealth.

Omega 3 essential fatty acids have so far been the most important discovery by human scientists. It has been identified that Omega3 fatty acids are indispensible for our cell membranes. They are responsible in maintaining the fluidity, proper shape and the smoothness of the cell membranes. The DHAs (docosahexaenoic) and EPAs (eocosapanteanoic) present in the Omega3 fatty acids play a very important role in almost all the functions of the human body including the digestion. Only proper digestion can help in proper distribution of energy vital for the functioning of the body. The digestive tract or the area is exposed to harmful elements and needs continuous repair and the replacement of the cell membranes including a protection coating against damage. The Omega3 fatty acids help in protecting and preventing these tract cells from harm caused by toxins present in the body. It helps in reduction and prevention of inflammation. EPA and DHA deficiency is also a cause of inflammation besides digestive tract disorder.

The omega3 fatty acids have also a pivotal role to play in the supply of bacteria healthy for the digestion and other probiotics that improves digestive health and builds the overall immune system of the body. The probiotics released helps in keeping a check in the number of bad bacteria like fungi and yeast in the body along with producing vital vitamins and other important nutrients. The omega3 fatty acids being carriers of EPA and DHA, helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer. The source from which our body procures these fatty acids is our food. Hence, if our dietary habits are improper then we cannot expect a good health. Good health is the key to good life and inclusion of Omega3 fatty acids help in building strong immunity system.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fish oils are great weight loss Supplements

I was never fascinated with grand parties and happening do’s, because going out always reminded me, that I am not in shape and people would laugh at me, I was helpless I had tried whatever I could to lose weight but nothing ever worked. People suggested me various types of weight loss supplements, high dose medicines, expensive exercising instruments but nothing ever seemed to work, and I was convinced by the fact that I could never lose weight.

Until once, I read on the internet about fish oil and their benefits, amongst many advantages, one was its use as a weight loss supplement, I knew it would never work, but an instinct told me to give it a try at least, and I ordered for fish oil capsules, it was like a miracle but yes, I lost weight!

Unbelievable it seemed to me, but it was true, a certain fatty acid called omega 3, present in the fish oil with DHA burn more fat and have less obesity, these fatty acids do not have any side effect and are also very beneficial in the development and proper functioning of the brain, and also helps in the reduction of the risks of certain cancer

But just these capsules cannot do everything, exercise is very essential, a research has shown that capsules that contain oil from fishes combined with exercise, just exercise without this weight loss supplement does not give good results.
I feel so balanced and so relaxed now, there is no anxiety no depression all my blues have vanished now I look forward to the most happening upcoming party where I can dazzle in the best of the dress, which I had lost hope I could ever wear, and get wooed by the handsomest guy around.

When people wonder how I got into this perfect shape I never hesitate to tell them about the omega-3 fatty acids present in fishes that are by far the best weight loss supplement I have come across, something that has changed my entire life, made my depressions turn into delightfulness and has made me shed all my inhibitions and live life king size and enjoy every bit of this beautiful life!