Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Benefits of a body cleanse

Cleansing the body is a must to ensure good health, not only physically but mentally as well. Less health problems mean that you have fewer things to worry about and can concentrate on other responsibilities. Eating healthy and exercising is one thing but there comes a time when you need to go on a cleansing diet to get rid of toxin build-up.

Detoxification, if done right, is a powerful method used to eliminate toxins. If you’re a smoker or a drinker or a junk food lover, there is all the more reason for you to give it a thought. There are many diets you can follow as part of your detoxification process like the master cleanse/lemonade diet, raw food diet, fruit flush and liquid diet, to name a few.

While the need for a body cleanse has been disputed by some doctors as having no real medical benefits, it is only logical that it does help in some way. After all, in today’s age where we consume so many foods with questionable artificial flavoring and synthetic products, our bodies are bound to accumulate junk. As such, it becomes necessary to aid it in the waste elimination process.

There are certain other foods you can take for a body cleanse. Probiotics are believed to help the digestive system by promoting the growth of good bacteria and eliminating the bad ones. They are found in items like yogurt, miso, tempeh, milk and juice. It is believed that probiotics help relieve diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. It has also been linked with lower cases of infections and allergies.

Certain types of probiotics are said to offer certain benefits. For instance, lactobacillus acidophilus is said to increase acidity in the intestines which keeps a check on the growth of harmful bacteria. Studies have found that lactobacillus acidophilus strengthens the body’s immune system and helps in the digestion process. 
Even if it is later found that probiotics may not help as much as is stated above, you can’t go wrong by including it in your diet. So, make it a point to have it after meals and you will feel its effects on your tummy. Soothing and cool, probiotics will settle your stomach like no other medicine.

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