Monday, September 5, 2011

Choose the best fish oil for your health

A healthy digestive system is essential for overall health, in that many allergies can be prevented and other serious conditions like colon cancer can be kept at bay. The various parts of our body are all interconnected so it is important that they function well so that they don’t adversely affect the others. For instance, the digestive system breaks down the food we eat like turning proteins into amino acids and fat into glycerol, for instance. So, if it doesn’t work like it should you can expect to come across a variety of sicknesses.

One of the ways to ensure that your system is kept healthy is to include probiotics in your diet. Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when taken in specific amounts, benefits the host. Some of the examples are yogurt, soy yogurt and dietary supplements. Though some experts have rejected the idea of probiotics being beneficial for health, others claim that they improve the microbial balance in the intestines. Most will agree, however, that they are beneficial during pregnancy by increasing the immune system of the fetus and promoting a healthy digestive system in pregnant mothers.

Another food that is beneficial for women who are pregnant is fish oil. The best fish oil can be found in fatty fish like halibut, salmon, tuna, flounder and grouper. Those species higher up in the food chain don’t come recommended as they tend to contain high levels of mercury, dioxin and chlordane. The health benefits for pregnant moms and babies are many. Better nervous system development, better eyesight, fewer behavioral problems and better sleep patterns are some of the advantages for the baby, while for the mother, the benefits include less chance of pre-term labor, lower risk of post partum depression, reduced breast cancer risk and less chance of developing pre-eclampsia.

If you’re still not convinced that probiotics and fish oil can do wonders for your body, speak to your doctor and see what he has to say. Read books on health by well-known experts who will give you a list of their benefits. Either way, the two foods have been advocated for decades which lead one to think there is truth in the matter. So stop waiting and wondering and start stacking up on these two wonderful health foods.

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