Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fish oil is beneficial during pregnancy

There have been several speculations as whether fish oil is considered safe during pregnancy. However there have not been any confirmed reports as whether fish oil is safe during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman needs extra care about her diet and lifestyle. One of the ways to ensure that your system is kept healthy is to include probiotics in your diet. However an individual need to take the opinion of a doctor before taking best fish oil during pregnancy. There might be several things that are related with regard to intake of fish oil it so it is always advisable to seek the advice of a doctor. From a general point of view fish oil comprises of Omega 3 supplements which are considered to be beneficial for the body. So far there have been no findings as to whether best fish oil is considered unsafe during pregnancy.

However it is always recommended that a woman during her pregnancy has the recommended dosage so that a problem of burps or stomach upset does not occur in a pregnant woman. If a woman has any specific medical conditions then the woman should always consult a doctor before having supplements.

There are many women who scouts several store for best fish oil supplements. However it is difficult to prove whether these best fish oil are safe during pregnancy or not. Best fish oil is considered to be good for the mother. Though there have been several studies to prove that fish oil is beneficial for the body but there has been hardly any evidence to prove this.

Fish oil promotes proper brain development of the foetus. The brain is made of DHA, Omega 3 polyunsaturated and also fish supplements. The brain of the foetus requires fatty acids for proper development. The fatty acid is often derived from the food the mothers usually take in the body. However the mother might require taking in adequate amounts of fish oil so that the baby inside the womb benefits from it. Several studies have also indicated the fact that fish oil promotes mental activity in the child and also proper hand eye co-ordination.

Researchers have also proved the fact that mothers have taken adequate amounts of fish oil during their pregnancy give birth to babies who have good sleeping patterns .Many are of the opinion that fish oil is essential during the third trimester of the pregnancy . However this is not true as fish oil is essential throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

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