Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Best Fish oil and Probiotics are essential for our body

Throughout the world there has been an increasing awareness of about the benefits of fish oil. Though there are several differences in opinion regarding best fish oil, but many still believes in the fact that fish oil is beneficial for our body. Scientific researches ahs already been carried out about the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Medical sources have already proved the fact that best fish oil contains DHA and EPA which is highly beneficial for our body. DHA helps in the proper developing of the cognitive abilities in the case of infants. In older people, DHA helps in building memory. DHA also plays a major role in childhood vision and also prevents blindness in adults. DHA al helps in combating inflammations in our body. Inflammations in our body often lead to serious problems in our body and fish oil helps in preventing that.

Findings have also proven the fact that a diet lacking in best fish oil lead to many lifestyle disorders. The inadequate supply of Omega 3 fatty acids in our diet leads to several health problems. Omega 3 fats are known to be highly beneficial for proper functioning for our heart. Evidences have also revealed that a person’ diet that is lacking in Omega 3 fat have higher chances of developing heart ailments and can even cause stroke in several cases .

An omega 3 fat in the diet is known to decrease the levels of triglycerides which are known to be the major cause of heart diseases. There have been speculations that individuals who generally consume fish do not suffer from lifestyle diseases that many individuals suffer from. Though many do not eat fish there is still some hope as you can always take fish oil supplements.

Probiotics also play a major role in for our health. Probiotics are also popularly known as good and healthy bacteria that are made available to the consumers in the form of dietary supplements and food stuffs. They are also live microorganisms. There are a wide range of probiotic supplements available in the market today that aids in improving the overall health of our body. They accelerate the growth of certain microorganisms which are found in our colon. The good sources are yoghurt, unfermented milk and juices. Therefore we should make sure to include these particular food items in our diet. Research is still being carried out in the field of probiotic supplements to gather some knowledge about their uses.

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